Three of the four presidential candidates are proposing a Universal Health Care system, where every man, woman and child will receive health care whether they can afford it or not. On the outside, this really sounds good. You can go to any doctor you choose, anytime you want without regard to income level, status or health condition.
My question is...will this improve our health situation or will our current Health Care (Disease Care) program costs, which are about 2.2 TRILLION DOLLARS annually, continue to rise, while the health of the American people continues to decline?
As we know politicians will say and do anything to get into office. This is just proof of that fact. We really did a diservice to ourselves when back in the Old Testament times we decided that we wanted a king to rule over us, instead of God Himself. I Samuel 8:5-20.
Have you ever thought about the fact that as we depend more and more on our government and less and less on our Lord, that we are placing ourself in great danger? We are giving ourselves over to a power that will take away every freedom that we have, so much so, that we will not be able to buy and sell. Revelation 13:17 If you look at the book of Revelation you will see an image to the beast power that will give you anything you want as long as you receive his mark in your forehead or your hand or the number of his name. Revelation 14:11
Take a look at the Patriot Act. The Act expanded the authority of U.S. law enforcement agencies for the "stated" purpose of fighting terrorism in the United States and abroad. Among other things, the Act gives law enforcement agencies the power to search telephone and e-mail communications and medical, financial and other records; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, and enhanced the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts.
The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include "domestic terrorism," thus enlarging the number of activities to which the Patriot Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.
The expanded use of "National Security Letters," allows the FBI to search telephone, email and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records.
In the light of all the things that are crashing down around us, prophesy fullfilling such as plagues, destructive weather, economic downfall, the tension in varying nations both political and religious, etc. don't you think that we need to take a second look at how we are conducting our lives. Things can't be business as usual anymore.
In regards to the health care issue, we need to realize that God gave us everything we need to be and stay well. Relying on hospitals, doctors, and drugs is not the way God has intended. In the book of Revelation, there is a reference to soceries of Babylon, the apostate church. For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. Rev. 18:23. This word "sorceries" in the Greek is the same word which is used in the word pharmacy, which is pharmakia. Is this a coincidence?
We must get ourselves ready now, by living the way God intended us to. That includes growing our own provisions, eating a diet rich in fresh plant based foods, getting exercise, fresh air, sunshine, fresh water and being temperant in all things. Most of all we must trust in God, reading His word every day, communing with Him in prayer, praising Him for all that He is doing and will do in our lives, and testifying to His marvelous love that He shows toward us.
For more information on the topic of the beast, the image to the beast, and the antichrist please visit our website at
For more information on the topic of God's Diet and life Style please visit our website at