Monday, March 31, 2008

Cancer-There is Another Way!

Cancer is a devisive foe in our world today. It destroys lives and families. The world would have you to believe that there is only way to destroy this menace. Of course, that way is more deadly than the cancer itself. We are prescribed pills, chemotherapy and radiation in hopes that somehow the cancer will be slowed and destroyed, but at what price? I have personally seen several people die a slow death because of the "miracle drugs" that are prescribed to friends and family alike. These drugs don't "cure" anything. They are more likely to destroy any bit of health that we may have left. This takes a toll on our anti-illness system in our body, the immune system.

In our world today, most people have faulty immune systems. This does not happen because we are born this way, although that does happen occasionally. The reason for a damaged and sickly immune system is because we don't treat our body as our great Creator has designed. We have forgotten Who made us and the best way to keep this wonderful miracle of a body running smoothly. We are more likely to take better care of our cars and pets than we do ourselves. And it doesn't help that all the cheapest foods, amusements, ways of living are the worst on our health, while the more expensive ways would be eating healthy foods, taking time to rest, enjoying fresh air, etc. Our world is backwards and we need to start living against the grain if we would have health and have it more abundantly.

Please enjoy the following video with some wonderful testimonies of former cancer patients who overcame through faith and works-prayer and implementing simple remedies of health.

Overcoming cancer

Sonja & David Upham
HeavenScent OrganicsTM
Natural Soap Company & Wholistic Health Ministry

Dedicated to the upbuilding of His kingdom by example and through teaching principles which will help us to attain physical, mental, & spiritual well being, bringing us into a closer relationship to our Maker and Redeemer. Physical & Spiritual healing can only come through the One who made us in His image and we are delighted to share the wisdom that He has given us.

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

III John 1:2

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Intensive Therapy Means You Will Die Sooner with Good Looking Numbers

Taken from February 2008 The McDougall Newsletter

I am outraged that no serious action is being taken by medical doctors to stop the conscious killing of patients by the pharmaceutical companies. Responsible physicians need to stand up—we swore an oath to protect our patients—to keep their welfare as our highest priority—not to safeguard the earnings of any industry. Research over the past four decades has consistently shown that intensive drug treatment will lower risk factors, such as cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure; but will also cause patients to die sooner, albeit, with better looking numbers. So far, any changes in medical practices resulting from all this bad news have been imperceptible. In fact, most of my colleagues, without taking a single dime, readily come to the defense of the drugs they prescribe, and their manufacturers—the others take a bribe.

In general, people who have elevations of cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure, known as risk factors, have a greater chance of having heart attacks and strokes in the future. These elevated numbers are the signs of disease, not actual disease. During my forty years in the profession (I started medical school in 1968), I have never seen a patient die of high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and/or high blood pressure. These people die from rotten arteries, manifesting as strokes and heart attacks. Drugs won’t heal the sick arteries. The reason pharmaceutical companies sell drugs that treat the signs of diseases is they can.

The reason they don’t sell drugs that cure the underlying diseases is they can’t. To compound matters, medications cause “warning messages” to disappear, leading many people to a false sense of security. As a direct result, they fail to take appropriate actions to improve their diets and lifestyles—measures that would make real differences. During patient interviews (a history I take when people come to my 10-day, live-in program), I often notice that the “disease portion” of their data sheet is left blank, while their medication list is extensive. I ask, “Why have you left this section about your diseases blank, when you are taking three medications for high blood pressure, two for diabetes, and a statin?” Their answer: “I don’t have these problems anymore, since I started taking these drugs.” They believe they have been cured because the “warning messages” are gone. But this deduction is contrary to common sense and the results of extensive scientific research.

To see full article visit:

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mental Faculties

God requires the training of the mental faculties. He designs that His servants shall possess more intelligence and clearer discernment than the worldling, and He is displeased with those who are too careless or too indolent to become efficient, well-informed workers. The Lord bids us love Him with all the heart, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and with all the mind. This lays upon us the obligation of developing the intellect to its fullest capacity, that with all the mind we may know and love our Creator.

If placed under the control of His Spirit, the more thoroughly the intellect is cultivated, the more effectively it can be used in the service of God. The uneducated man who is consecrated to God and who longs to bless others can be, and is, used by the Lord in His service. But those who, with the same spirit of consecration, have had the benefit of a thorough education, can do a much more extensive work for Christ. They stand on vantage ground.

The Lord desires us to obtain all the education possible, with the object in view of imparting our knowledge to others. None can know where or how they may be called to labor or to speak for God. Our heavenly Father alone sees what He can make of men. There are before us possibilities which our feeble faith does not discern. Our minds should be so trained that if necessary we can present the truths of His word before the highest earthly authorities in such a way as to glorify His name. We should not let slip even one opportunity of qualifying ourselves intellectually to work for God.

Let the youth who need an education set to work with a determination to obtain it. Do not wait for an opening; make one for yourselves. Take hold in any small way that presents itself. Practice economy. Do not spend your means for the gratification of appetite, or in pleasure seeking. Be determined to become as useful and efficient as God calls you to be. Be thorough and faithful in whatever you undertake. Procure every advantage within your reach for strengthening the intellect. Let the study of books be combined with useful manual labor, and by faithful endeavor, watchfulness, and prayer secure the wisdom that is from above. This will give you an all-round education. Thus you may rise in character, and gain an influence over other minds, enabling you to lead them in the path of uprightness and holiness.
Far more might be accomplished in the work of self-education if we were awake to our own opportunities and privileges. True education means more than the colleges can give. While the study of the sciences is not to be neglected, there is a higher training to be obtained through a vital connection with God. Let every student take his Bible and place himself in communion with the great Teacher. Let the mind be trained and disciplined to wrestle with hard problems in the search for divine truth.

Those who hunger for knowledge that they may bless their fellow men will themselves receive blessing from God. Through the study of His word their mental powers will be aroused to earnest activity. There will be an expansion and development of the faculties, and the mind will acquire power and efficiency.
Self-discipline must be practiced by everyone who would be a worker for God. This will accomplish more than eloquence or the most brilliant talents. An ordinary mind, well disciplined, will accomplish more and higher work than will the most highly educated mind and the greatest talents without self-control.

Christ’s Object Lessons pp. 333-335

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Universal Health Care...Good or Bad???

Three of the four presidential candidates are proposing a Universal Health Care system, where every man, woman and child will receive health care whether they can afford it or not. On the outside, this really sounds good. You can go to any doctor you choose, anytime you want without regard to income level, status or health condition.

My question is...will this improve our health situation or will our current Health Care (Disease Care) program costs, which are about 2.2 TRILLION DOLLARS annually, continue to rise, while the health of the American people continues to decline?

As we know politicians will say and do anything to get into office. This is just proof of that fact. We really did a diservice to ourselves when back in the Old Testament times we decided that we wanted a king to rule over us, instead of God Himself. I Samuel 8:5-20.

Have you ever thought about the fact that as we depend more and more on our government and less and less on our Lord, that we are placing ourself in great danger? We are giving ourselves over to a power that will take away every freedom that we have, so much so, that we will not be able to buy and sell. Revelation 13:17 If you look at the book of Revelation you will see an image to the beast power that will give you anything you want as long as you receive his mark in your forehead or your hand or the number of his name. Revelation 14:11

Take a look at the Patriot Act. The Act expanded the authority of U.S. law enforcement agencies for the "stated" purpose of fighting terrorism in the United States and abroad. Among other things, the Act gives law enforcement agencies the power to search telephone and e-mail communications and medical, financial and other records; expanded the Secretary of the Treasury’s authority to regulate financial transactions, and enhanced the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts.

The act also expanded the definition of terrorism to include "domestic terrorism," thus enlarging the number of activities to which the Patriot Act’s expanded law enforcement powers can be applied.

The expanded use of "National Security Letters," allows the FBI to search telephone, email and financial records without a court order; and the expanded access of law enforcement agencies to business records, including library and financial records.

In the light of all the things that are crashing down around us, prophesy fullfilling such as plagues, destructive weather, economic downfall, the tension in varying nations both political and religious, etc. don't you think that we need to take a second look at how we are conducting our lives. Things can't be business as usual anymore.

In regards to the health care issue, we need to realize that God gave us everything we need to be and stay well. Relying on hospitals, doctors, and drugs is not the way God has intended. In the book of Revelation, there is a reference to soceries of Babylon, the apostate church. For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. Rev. 18:23. This word "sorceries" in the Greek is the same word which is used in the word pharmacy, which is pharmakia. Is this a coincidence?

We must get ourselves ready now, by living the way God intended us to. That includes growing our own provisions, eating a diet rich in fresh plant based foods, getting exercise, fresh air, sunshine, fresh water and being temperant in all things. Most of all we must trust in God, reading His word every day, communing with Him in prayer, praising Him for all that He is doing and will do in our lives, and testifying to His marvelous love that He shows toward us.

For more information on the topic of the beast, the image to the beast, and the antichrist please visit our website at

For more information on the topic of God's Diet and life Style please visit our website at